26 de febrero de 2010

¡Frases antropológicas de levante!

El amigo Esteban S nos mandó una lista de frases de levante antropológicas, para aplicar en las Fiestas Estructuralísimas, en Puán Dharma Station o en el colectivo... Originalmente robadas de ACÁ!
+ Are you still living at your mother’s brother ?
+ Can I study your customs ?
+ What are your sexual taboos and to which do you adhere ?
+ Are you an artefact ? Because I dig you…
+ Would you like to play host and guest ?
+ You know, you really match my culturally constructed beauty standard !
+ Aren’t we cross cousins?
+ How about a date in Samoa ? Ideal place to come out of age…
+ Would you like to get ritually intoxicated at my place?
+ I’d love to look into your kinship patterns.
+ Can I put my Self into your Other ?
+ I’d like to render your gender…
+ Let’s subvert and transgress !
+ Would you like to see my totem ?
+ You are so reproductively fit, I’d like to naturally select you.
+ Can I survey your features ?
+ What if I told you I had nice secondary sex characteristics ?
+ I’d like to look into your modes of production
+ How do you feel about honour and shame ?
+ Hey baby nice phenotype!
+ Can I put my superstructure in your infrastructure ?
+ Your village or mine ?
+ I’m an anthropologist, let’s do this orally.
+ I’ve got a huge grant !
+ You just turned me on, according to Mauss I now have to repay you in an amount that’s equal in value to give you your Hau back


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